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07 December 2008


Walton Hills, Ohio. Veterans and Auxiliary members were honored on Saturday evening. Those in attendance included spouses, sons, daughters, friends, aunts, uncles and grandchildren. The turnout was quite large, more than in recent years. The cold weather and snow didn't keep folks away.

As in past years, the dinner was expertly prepared and the portions generous. Those who wanted "seconds" were welcome to take a 2nd plate.

Congratulations, once again, to our honorees, Ed Wojciak, Jack Rouse, Colleen Lewis, Ed Zelek, Katherine Krysiak and Toni Matey. We all think we know of the activities of our members but it takes the honors recognition at ourbanquet to learn the extent of what they have accomplished. It's remarkable.

My only critique of the evening would be that we keep our focus on the honorees. Too much time is spent on recognizing past and current Department and Post commanders, officers, elected and appointed, etc., etc., etc. It drags things out and we lose focus on why we are there.

John C. Sullivan
Department of Ohio
Public Relations Officer

01 November 2008

New Law Authorizes Veterans' Salutes during National Anthem

Dear Commanders,

I am including a press release from the VA that is of interest to us.

In comradeship,
Ronald Limpach, Legislative Officer.

October 30, 2008

New Law Authorizes Veterans’ Salutes during National Anthem
WASHINGTON -- Veterans and active-duty military not in uniform can now render the military-style hand salute during the playing of the national anthem, thanks to changes in federal law that took effect this month.

“The military salute is a unique gesture of respect that marks those who have served in our nation’s armed forces,” said Secretary of Veterans Affairs Dr. James B. Peake. “This provision allows the application of that honor in all events involving our nation’s flag.”

The new provision improves upon a little known change in federal law last year that authorized veterans to render the military-style hand salute during the raising, lowering or passing of the flag, but it did not address salutes during the national anthem. Last year’s provision also applied to members of the armed forces while not in uniform.

Traditionally, members of the nation’s veterans service organizations have rendered the hand-salute during the national anthem and at events involving the national flag while wearing their organization’s official head-gear. The most recent change, authorizing hand-salutes during the national anthem by veterans and out-of-uniform military personnel, was sponsored by Sen. Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma, an Army veteran. It was included in the Defense Authorization Act of 2009, which President Bush signed on Oct. 14.

The earlier provision authorizing hand-salutes for veterans and out-of-uniform military personnel during the raising, lowering or passing of the flag, was contained in the National Defense Authorization Act of 2008, which took effect Jan. 28, 2008.
# # #
For the latest news releases and other information, visit VA on the Internet at
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23 October 2008

Department of Ohio Post Commanders

Lincoln Post #13
George Kosakowski
8482 Cliffview Circle
Macedonia, OH 44056
330-468-0379 H
216 533 1175 C
216 341 9556 Post

Pulaski Post #30
Stanley Ryncarz
5422 Archmere Ave
Cleveland, OH 44144
216 661 0285 H
216 771 8905 Post

Washington Post #31
William Halloran
52 Lloyd Rd
Euclid OH 44132
216 289 5208 H
216 406 077 C
216 486 3979 Post

Pulaski Post #32
Ron Berish
389 baldwin Rd.
Akron, OH 44312
330 784 8817 H
330 253 0542 Post

Roosevelt Post #58
Taras (Terry) Zacharyj
4214 Daisy Ave
Cleveland, OH 44109
216 351 2007 H
216 241 1788 Post

Brooklyn Post #61
Richard Kruzer
4648 South Hills Dr.Cleveland, OH 44109
216 741 8157

Corlett Post #886
Frank Czerwony
5640 Andover Blvd.
Garfield Hts., OH 44125
216 475 2589

Krakusy Post #87
Charles Popa
27 Colonial Dr.
Youngstown, OH 44505
330 759 9390

Garfield Hts. Post #157
Stanley Kotch
897 E. Meadowlawn Blvd.
Seven Hills, OH 44131
216 524 1602

Lt. Colonel Matt Urban Post #164
Steve Pesko
4040 Templeton Rd. NW
Warren, OH 44505
330 898 6641
330 394 7128 Post

Ohio Post #195
Kenneth Milenovic
6145 Winchester Dr
Seven Hills, OH 44131
216 524 3908 H


Theodore Holtz
8180 Brecksville Rd. #150
Brecksville, OH 44141
440 746 9550 W

Charles Popa
27 Colonial Drive
Youngstown, OH 44505
330 759 9390

Mathew Lobas
3213 Coventry Dr.
Parma, OH 44134
440 845 0119

Richard Kruzer
4648 South Hills Dr.
Cleveland, OH 44109
216 741 8157

Richard Borkowski
5415 Alber Ave
Parma OH 44129
440 888 5183

Kenneth Milenovic
6145 Winchester Dr.
Seven Hills, OH 44131
216 524 3908

Michael Polichuk
420 W. 22nd St.
Cleveland, OH 44109
216 398 498

John Glowacki
757 Kenwood Dr.
Gates Mills, Oh 44040
440 446 9411

25 September 2008

You don't have to be Polish to join this veterans' organization

Where veterans gather.....are you eligible?

Polish Cultural Garden

22 September 2008

Congratulations to the newly-elected Ladies Auxiliary Officers

Genny Torrero, President.

Hattie Bilsey - Vice President,
Toni Matey - Recording Secretary
Evelyn Borkowski - Financial Secretary
Judity Milenovic - Treasurer - Judith Milenovic.

Congratulations also to Ohio Auxiliary members elected to National Office:

Kathleen Boll - National President
Dolores Leibold-Kruzer - National Recording Secretary
Audrey Newlin - National Historian/PRO

13 September 2008

Images from the Polish Legion of American Veterans Bi-ennial National Convention

We are attempting something new - a place where we can post our event images. The following URL has some images from our recently-concluded Biennial National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio. Please copy and paste it into your browser window.

Please allow me your feedback.

John C. Sullivan
Ohio State Board

25 August 2008

An Argument for Admission to NATO


John C. Sullivan

The Russian Bear has awakened from its hibernation. Declaring a defense of Russia, they have begun a war that threatens to expand and involve the United States, a terribly risky venture. Russian apologists would have us believe that Russia is fearful of being "surrounded" by nations that look to the West, rather than to the East. They have good reason to believe it. Those of Eastern European heritage know what "Katyn" and "Ukraine starvation" and "Gulag" mean. Moreover, they know it can happen again.

In 1940, in the Katyn forest, Russian communists executed an estimated 22,000 Polish military officers, police officers and civilians taken prisoner in the 1939 invasion of Poland by both the Third Reich and Russia. Included in this figure is the execution of prisoners of war at Starobelsk, Ostashkov and in Kalinin (Tver) and Kharkiv, Moscow.

At that time, Poland’s “draft” required university graduates to become reserve officers. Russian communists included them in their round up of Jews, Ukrainians, Georgians and Belarusians of Polish citizenship. In Smolensk was the headquarters of the NKVD (Narodny Komissariat Vnutrennikh Del. Here the Soviet secret police murdered “political prisoners” from West Belarus and West Ukraine.

The Russians also operated forced labor camps for those they did not murder outright. The late Russian exiled author Alexander Solzhenitsyn likend them to a chain of islands, the “Gulag Archipelago.” An estimated 29 million people passed through them between 1929 and 1953. They were imprisoned for being absent from work, petty theft or by telling a joke about the government, just like American late show hosts David Letterman or Jay Leno say today. Those sent to the Gulag were mostly there without any trial.

From Prague, Askold Krushelnycky wrote about the Communist-generated “…famine deliberately engineered by the regime…claimed millions of lives, mostly in Ukraine but also in some other parts of the Soviet Union. Today it is considered one of the worst atrocities of the Communist regime and a terrifying act of genocide. Even so, the famine of 1933 is relatively unknown." Krushelyncky writes "Estimates of how many people died in Stalin's engineered famine of 1933 vary. But they are staggering in their scale -- between seven and 11 million people."

Given this history, one is only left to conclude that former Soviet "Republics" have more to fear from the Russian Bear than the Russians have to fear from them. Does anyone not understand why Ukraine and Poland wish to join the NATO family?

08 May 2008

Officer Roster 05/08



State Commander 1st Vice Commander 2nd Vice Commander Finance Director
Kenneth Milenovic #30 Michael Polichuk #58 Edward Wojciak #164 Frank Kowalski Jr.#30
6145 Winchester Dr. 4230 W. 22 St. P.O. Box 772 P.O. Box 5104
Seven Hills, OH 44131 Cleveland, OH 44109 Courtland, OH 44410 Cleveland, OH 44101
216-524-3908 216-398-4968 330-646-5860 (Cell) 216-771-3209 330-637-1720Home

Convention Corp. Cir. Convention Corp. Dir. Convention Corp. Dir. Auxiliary State President
William Halloran #31 Joseph Dolenc #31 Michael Demchuk #58 Kathy Boll Chapter #58
2 Lloyd Road 21730 Tracy Ave. 1653 Aspenwood Dr. 5314 Dartmouth Ave.
Euclid, OH 44132 Euclid, OH 44123 Seven Hills, OH 44131 Parma, OH 44129
216-289-5208 (H) 216-731-8079 216-642-0802 440-885-5925
216-406-0077 Cell 216-308-1701 Cell


Sgt-at-Arms Adjutant Legislative Officer Squad Leader
Ray Williams #58 John Pestovic #30 Ronald Limpach #58 Stanley Ryncarz #30
2442 Professor Ave. 19723 Tanbark Ln. 47046 Cooper Foster Park Rd. 5422 Archmere Ave
Cleveland, OH 44113 Strongsville, OH 44149 Amherst, OH 44001 Cleveland, OH 44144
216-241-1788 Post 440-846-1055 440-988-8065 216-661-0285
440-590-3212- Cell

Polish Amer. Congress Judge Advocate Legionnaire Youth/Scholarship
Joseph Lecznar #61 Clement Kollin #157
7627 Roeper Rd. 7966 Wright Rd.
Parma, OH 44134 Broadview Hts., OH 44147
440-845-3506 440-526-8779 (H)
216-441-5100 (W)

Properties Manager Mail List Coordinator Service Officer Public Relations Off.
Richard Golem #61 Arthur Bilsey #30 Frank Oblak #31 John Sullivan #58
683 E. Wallings Rd. 17500 Glenshire Ave. 411 Halle Dr. 9240 Milford Dr.
Broadview Hts., OH 44147 Cleveland, OH 44135 Euclid, OH 44132 Northfield, OH 44067
440-526-8678 (H) 216-267-1376 (H) 216-289-1522 330-467-4747
440-241-3691 Cell 216-651-8183 (W)

Parliamentarian Liaison Officer
Richard Kruzer #61 Robert Berdys #58
4648 South Hills Dr. 4100 Westbrook Dr., #515
Cleveland, OH 44109 Cleveland, OH 44144
216-741-8157 216-661-8723


Lincoln Post #13 Pulaski Post #30 Washington Post #31 Pulaski Post #32
George Kosakowski Stanley Ryncarz William Halloran Ron Berish
8482 Cliffview Circle 5422 Archmere Ave. 52 Lloyd Road 389 Baldwin Rd.
Macedonia, OH 44056 Cleveland, OH 44144 Euclid, OH 44132 Akron, OH 44312
330-468-0379 (H) 216-661-0285 (H) 216-289-5208 (H) 330-784-8817 (H)
216-533-1175 Cell 216-771-8905 Post 216-406-0077 Cell 330-253-0542 Post
216-341-9556 Post 216-486-3979 Post

Roosevelt Post #58 Brooklyn Post #61 Corlett Post #86 Krakusy Post #87
Taras Zacharyj Richard Lichniak Frank Czerwony Charles Popa
4214 daisy Ave. 4315 Russell Ave. 5640 Andover Blvd. 27 Colonial Dr.
Cleveland, OH 44109 Parma, OH 44134 Garfield Hts., OH 44125 Youngstown, OH 44505
216-351-2007 (H) 216-661-7835 216-475-2589 330-759-9390
216-241-1788 post

Garfield Hts. Posy #157 Lt. Col. Matt Urban Post #164 Ohio Post $195
Stanley Kotch Steve Pesko Kenneth Milenovic
897 E. Meadowlawn Bl. 4040 Templeton Rd. NW 6145 Winchester Dr.
Seven Hills, OH 44131 Warren, OH 44505 Seven Hills, OH 44131
216-524-1602 330-898-6641 216-524-3908 (H)
330-394-7128 Post


Theodore Holtz Charles Popa Mathew Lobas Richard Kruzer
8180 Brecksville Rd #150 27 Colonial Dr. 3213 Coventry Dr. 4648 South Hills Dr.
Brecksville, OH 44141 Youngstown, OH 44505 Parma, OH 44134 Cleveland, OH 44109
440-746-9550 (W) 330-759-9390 440-845-0119 216-741-8157

Richard Borkowski Kenneth Milenovic Michael Polichuk John Glowacki
5415 Alber Ave. 6145 Winchester Dr. 4230 W. 22 St. 757 Kenwood Drive
Parma, OH 44129 Seven Hills, OH 44131 Cleveland, OH 44109 Gates Mills, OH 44040
440-888-5183 216-524-3908 216-398-4968 440-446-9411


2007 - 2009

Richard Lichniak #61 Rep. Chester Franczkowski #87 Rep Lucian Lewandowski #31 Rep.
4315 Russell Ave. 1233 Valleyview Dr. 270 E. 255 St.
Parma, OH 44134 Youngstown, OH 44512 Euclid, OH 44132
216-661-7835 330-729-9596 216-261-4621

Joseph Kulig #61 Dep. Charles Popa #87 Dep. Richard Borkowski #30 Dep.
7935 West ridge Dr. 27 Colonial Dr. 5415 Alber Rd.
Broadview Hts., OH 44147 Youngstown, OH 44505 Parma, OH 44129
440-237-2972 330-759-9390 440-888-5183

Raymond Rutkowski #157 Dep Arthur Bilsey #30 Dep
6298 Crossview Rd. 17500 Glenshire Ave.
Seven Hills, OH 44131 Cleveland, OH 44135
216-524-1406 216-267-1376 (H)
216-651-8183 (W)
George J. Kohut #32 Dep (Honorary Member)
1648 Queens Gate Cir.
Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44221

Edward Wojciak #164 Rep. Charles Popa #87 Rep. Ronald Limpach #58 Rep.
P.O. Box 221 27 Colonial Dr. 47046 Cooper Foster Park rd.
Orwell, OH 44076 Youngstown, OH 44505 Amherst, OH 44001
330-637-1720 330-759-9390 440-988-8065

Ted Kowalczyk #164 Dep. Chester Franczkowski #87 Dep.
2365 Whispering Meadows 1233 Valleyview Dr.
Warren, OH 44483 Youngstown, OH 44512
330-372-8641 330-729-9596

John Klamut #164 Dep.
2800 Niles Courtland Rd. SE
Courtland, OH 44410


MEMBERSHIP PICNIC AUDIT Evening in Warsaw Veterans & Woman
Michael Polchuk #58 Edward Wojciak #164 Richard Golem #61
Stanley Kotch #157
Mitch Miller #31


John Popik #31 Ronald Limpach #58 Richard Lott #32
1758 Pontiac Dr. 47046 Cooper Foster Park Rd. 1102 Clifton Ave.
Euclid, OH 44117 Amherst, OH 44001 Akron, OH 44310
216-481-6021 440-988-8065 330-929-9346

Charles Popa #87 Stanley Kotch #157
27 Colonial Dr. 897 E. Meadowlawn Dr.
Youngstown, OH 44505 Seven Hills, OH 44131
330-759-9390 216-524-1602

Phil Toomey #30
9932 Dogwood Ct
Strongsville, OH 44136

Michael Polichuk #58
4230 W 22 St.
Cleveland, OH 44109

Richard Golem #61
683 E. Wallings Rd.
Broadview Hts., OH 44147
440-241-3691 Cell

13 April 2008

Post 58 Member posted to Iraq

We received a letter from Lenzy Phillips, a Post 58 member. He's recently been assigned to duty in Iraq. Ee would love to receive some mail from Cleveland just to say hello. Lets send him a "thank you" and hurry home card.

Sgt Lenzy Phillips
2/3 D Company CAB43405
APO AE 09322-3405

Terry Zacharyj
Post 58

31 March 2008

Websites of Interest

VA and Military Forms -


In Cleveland,

WCSB 89.3 FM
Saturday, 12:30 - 2:00 pm
Request Line 216 687 3515

WCPN 90.3
Sundays, 9:00 am and 9:00 pm

23 February 2008


You don't have to be Polish to belong to this fine organization.

The Polish Legion of American Veterans is a non-profit Congressionally Chartered organization, whose membership shall not be discriminatory on the basis of race, color religion or national origin. We are committed to the ideals of patriotism, charity and volunteerism through allegiance to our Country, honor to our Country's standards and aiding in the rehabilitation of disabled veterans. Our goal is to dedicate time and effort to insure that no benefits be denied to those who served their country and to support legislation intended for those who earned the right to the benefits
being considered.

The PLAV works for veterans causes. For example, we visit hospitalized veterans at VA Medical Centers and Veterans Homes. Without these visits, many hospitalized veterans would have a very lonely and sad existence.

We work with other veterans to help the indigent and less fortunate veterans. We participate in ceremonies commemorating Veterans Day, Memorial Day, Polish Constitution Day, Pulaski Day and other events.

The PLAV takes time to have a little fun too by participating at social events at our various Posts throughout the nation. For example, many Posts sponsor An Evening in Warsaw and other social events.

On the education front, we provide scholarships to children and grandchildren of veterans.

It is very important to us that we remind Americans of the contributions and sacrifices made by Americans of Polish descent to safeguard the freedoms of our great nation.

Culturally, we band together and preserve the Polish customs and traditions of our forebears and to carry on with the many activities in which the PLAV is involved.

17 February 2008

Armia Polska we Francyi

Description of the Army

by James J. Czuchra

An estimated 20,000 Polish persons answered the call to fight for freedom and the opportunity to regain Poland's independence during World War I in the Polish Army in France (in Polish, Armia Polska we Francyi). They were recruited from among the Polish immigrants who came to America to fight with France.

The Polish Army in France was also called 'Haller's Army,' after the general who commanded it, or the 'Blue Army,' for the blue uniforms the soldiers wore.

For more information, see:
Polish Genealogical Society Newsletter, Vol. X, #1, Spring 1987, pages 1,3-4.

'World War I Polish American Military Records,' by Joseph T. Hapak, a brief history of the Polish Army in France.

Searchers, the Newsletter of the PGS of Western New York, #8, January 1993,pp.17-20. 'Buffalonians in Polish Army,' compiled by Ted Smardz, a listing of Buffalo recruits.

01 February 2008



Your name

address, city, state, zip

The Honorable Barbara Mikulski

United States Senate

503 Hart Senate Office Building

Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senator Mikulski:

I am writing to ask you to sponsor a United States Senate Resolution in order to register five facts of history about Poland’s recent past, which directly affect present day relations between America and Poland.

Over the past two years, the continuing distortion of Poland’s historical record during World War II by the mass media (especially the false claim that Poland and the Poles prosecuted the mass murder of European Jewry in partnership with Nazi Germany) has coincided with two requests from the United States Congress to Poland.

First, the U.S. House of Representatives called for today’s Poland, the Third Polish Republic, to ape what some post-Communist countries in Europe already have done -- compensate individuals whose property was seized and confiscated by the Nazis during World War II, and then nationalized by Communist governments either during the final stages of the 1939-1945 War, or after May 8/9, 1945 -- the dates that mark the cessation of World War II combat in Europe.

The unnamed post-Communist countries mentioned in this House of Representatives Resolution were allies of Nazi Germany -- Poland was not. Please see: SEC. 1428. LEGISLATION REQUIRING THE FAIR, COMPREHENSIVE, AND NON-DISCRIMINATORY RESTITU­TION OF PRIVATE PROPERTY CONFISCATED IN POLAND OF R.R. 2601 Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 2006 and 2007. (Engrossed as Agreed to or Passed by House).

Secondly, on 6 April 2007, your colleague Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, in her capacity as a member of the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (U.S. Helsinki Commission), wrote a letter to Prime MinisterJaroslaw Kaczynski, which is posted on Senator Clinton’s web site. In the name of Human Rights, Senator Clinton and 9 of her 17 colleagues who serve on the U.S. Helsinki Commission, all of whom are members of Congress, forcefully encouraged Prime Minister Kaczynski to expedite the enactment of a private property claims law by Poland’s National Legislature. Prime Minister Kaczynski already had agreed to do so, before he received Senator Clinton’s letter which states: “The purpose of passing a property claims law is to give the victims of past abuse some measure of justice.”

American public opinion must unambiguously understand that Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union (acting through their Communist proxies in Poland) perpetrated the “past abuse” which Senator Clinton mentions, and that Poland and the Poles were the victims and not pro-Nazi villains, of both Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union.

If today’s Poland enacts a law on compensation and/or restitution of World War II era despoiled and then nationalized private property, then American public opinion must understand that Poland, unlike some other post-Communist European countries, was not an ally of Nazi Germany.

This is why I encourage you to sponsor a U.S. Senate Resolution on Poland and the Poles during World War II which puts forward before American public opinion the following five points:

1. Poland was a victorious World War II United Nations ally.

2. Polish armed forces were the fourth largest contingent (after the former

Soviet Union, the former British Empire, and the United States of

America) engaged in combat in Europe against the Axis Powers.

3. Nazi Germany did not want to set-up a collaborationist Nazi-satellite

State on Nazi conquered Polish territory.

4. Poland and the Poles were not partners in Nazi Germany’s monstrous

Crime -- the mass murder of European Jewry.

5. After the Soviet Union liberated Polish territory from Nazi German

occupation, the Communists treated Poland, a victorious allied power,

worse than defeated Axis allies also liberated by the Red Army, like

Hungary or Romania. The Soviet Union then justified this treacherous

treatment of their Polish ally on the bogus grounds that Poles needed to

be restrained by Communism and Soviet military occupation or else the

Poles would continue the Judeocide which Hitler began. Many in the

West believed this Stalinist propaganda at the end of World War II -- far

too many continue to believe it today.

Whether or not we are citizens of your home state, Maryland, Polish Americans and others have come to see you as our champion in the United States Senate. We will be very grateful to you if you agree to sponsor a United States Senate Resolution along the lines described above for the purpose of improving relations between America and Poland.

We look forward to your favorable action to fulfill this request.

Sincerely yours,
